Blog Archive

Sunday, 20 November 2011

The final post of this very blog.

So here we are, all this work to make a very good Media film and blog comes to a close with the strict deadline in place.

It was very hard work to make this film, with stop motion and characters to appeal to, and it was equally hard to produce this blog, with updating things at a daily basis and perfecting everything.

But I must say, this media project was absolutely worth it for it has taught me a lot of things as to how to make a great blog with structure, and how to make a good short film, plus it gave me the opportunity to make an actual movie of Rombes the Tiger.

Yep it way quite an adventure, and I hope that I settled my goal of opposing Sonic the Hedgehog as well as making a satisfying grade for this overall and satisfying media project in the end, and I think that Rombes the Tiger will agree with that himself.

Rombes the Tiger fly away
Ready to fight hype and evil another day
As what goes as what we say
Full of thunder and a innocent heart of clay
Now needing a cup of tea, as it may
May the Hype stand down and the Classic Returns.

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